Heading toward “normal?”

It seems like we’re gaining some traction with a lot of people getting vaccinated. We’ve got a long way to go and I sure hope the US starts to lead the way toward getting vaccine supply to the rest of the world. But, I’m hopeful that we can start socializing, in person, with more ease.

The good news in my neck of the woods is that all band members of BingBong are fully vaxxed and we’ll begin indoor rehearsals starting next week. We did adapt to playing outside (socially distanced) during the pandemic. However, one can only play so loud in one’s backyard before the neighbors have ha enough. And then there’s that sub-freezing weather we have in Wisconsin. Brrrrr….That put a halt to any form of togetherness we might have hoped for.

The good news is the pandemic forced me to focus on writing more. Between my band mates and I, BingBong now has thirteen really good songs that we need to start working up. So, in the next few months, we’ll be starting to play some new originals at our live shows. And that’s exciting!